Along the Mediterranean shores of central Israel, Beach erosion is severe.
Outdated human inventions will no longer cut it; Nature has the answers...
The "Living Coastlines" initiative combines two nature-based methods:
Remote monitoring and consistent ecological surveys are the final touches to make barren coastlines come alive!
Beach Nourishment
The 'Living Coastlines' Initiative currently involves the following partners:
Dr Gideon Winters - A plant eco-physiologist, with 10+ years of expience studying seagrasses.
Dr William Bateman - Founder of CCell With 18+ Years of experience in marine engineering. Specialisations in extreme ocean waves and modelling natural systems
SDG 13 - The living cosatlines initiative mitigates costal erosion caused by changing climates, rising sea levels and frequent storms caused by intense weather
SDG 14 - Quality of life below water (and on land) is improved due to the high carbon storae of seagrasses, storing up to 83k metric tonnes of carbon per km
SDG 17 - The initative promotes partnership between Mediterranean and globa orginisations, Currently involving academic institutions, companies and goverment organisations in Israel and the UK